Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - January 15, 1996
January 15, 1996 Issue
Volume 14, Issue 2
- Australians Draft Chiropractic Clinical Parameters
- Mary Ann Chance Chance
- Chiropractic's Grand Opening at Camp Pendleton
- Editorial Staff
- Cardiac Pain Syndrome
- Andrei Pikalov
- The Uncrowned Champion
- Todd Narson
- "DC" On Line
- Brian Sutton
- The Big Losers in Medicare Reform
- Editorial Staff
- Pain, Activity Limitation, and Dysfunction: How Rehabilitation Can Help
- Craig Liebenson
- The Temporal Tap: New Study Sheds Light on How It Works
- Darryl Curl
- Office Consulting
- DeAna Warren
- Colds and Flu
- Frank King Jr.
- Teenagers Need Chiropractic More
- Editorial Staff
- I.Q. -- Interesting Quote
- Editorial Staff
- Computerized Chiropractic Care?
- John L. Miller, DC
- Do You Dare Go Bare?
- Kent Forney, Esq.
- It's All in the Family at Life
- Editorial Staff
- New York City Being Devoured by HMOs!
- Editorial Staff
- News in Brief
- Editorial Staff
- Pediatric Patient Survey
- Peter Fysh, DC
- Investigating the Short Leg Phenomenon: The Friction-Reduction Hypothesis
- Robert Cooperstein, DC
- Chiropractic's Involvement in Managed Care
- Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc)
- Book Review
- Editorial Staff
- Invest the Difference
- Stanley Greenfield, RHU
- We Get Letters (and E-mail)
- Editorial Staff
- The Scapular Plane
- Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO
- Visibility and Responsibility
- William Meeker
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