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Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - January 15, 1996

January 15, 1996 Issue
Volume 14, Issue 2
Australians Draft Chiropractic Clinical Parameters
Mary Ann Chance Chance
Chiropractic's Grand Opening at Camp Pendleton
Editorial Staff
Cardiac Pain Syndrome
Andrei Pikalov
The Uncrowned Champion
Todd Narson
"DC" On Line
Brian Sutton
The Big Losers in Medicare Reform
Editorial Staff
Pain, Activity Limitation, and Dysfunction: How Rehabilitation Can Help
Craig Liebenson
The Temporal Tap: New Study Sheds Light on How It Works
Darryl Curl
Office Consulting
DeAna Warren
Colds and Flu
Frank King Jr.
Teenagers Need Chiropractic More
Editorial Staff
I.Q. -- Interesting Quote
Editorial Staff
Computerized Chiropractic Care?
John L. Miller, DC
Do You Dare Go Bare?
Kent Forney, Esq.
It's All in the Family at Life
Editorial Staff
New York City Being Devoured by HMOs!
Editorial Staff
News in Brief
Editorial Staff
Pediatric Patient Survey
Peter Fysh, DC
Investigating the Short Leg Phenomenon: The Friction-Reduction Hypothesis
Robert Cooperstein, DC
Chiropractic's Involvement in Managed Care
Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc)
Book Review
Editorial Staff
Invest the Difference
Stanley Greenfield, RHU
We Get Letters (and E-mail)
Editorial Staff
The Scapular Plane
Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO
Visibility and Responsibility
William Meeker

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