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Dynamic Chiropractic
January 15, 1996, Volume 14, Issue 02

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Book Review

Title: Textbook of Clinical Chiropractic

Author:       Gregory Plaugher, DC
Publisher:    Williams & Wilkins
Publication:  525 pages, hardcover book
Category:     Doctor Education
Price:        $89.00

Wouldn't it be nice to have a Merck Manual for Chiropractic conditions? Look no further. I reviewed this book when it was first published in 1993. Since then I have used it frequently and appreciate it even more than before. Some books grow on you as you find yourself using them more and more. This is such a book.

Chapters 1-5 probe deep into biomechanics, VSC, and examination procedures and are probably more useful to students. Chapters 6-16 are a very complete resource for chiropractic management of everything from infants to geriatrics, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) to seizure disorders.

There are a wide range of conditions including MS, Bell's palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, hyperthyroidism, and impotence, among many others. Diagnostic criterion are discussed along with chiropractic management. It is difficult to think of a condition that you will not find in the index of this book. It is also very well referenced (120 in chapter 16 alone!).

Credit must be given to Dr. Plaugher and his distinguished panel of contributors. Mark Lopes (associate editor), Darald Bolon, David Cichy, T. Raymond Clinton, Douglas Cox, W. Alex Cox, Daniel Hansen, Stephen Ray, and James Stoenner all took part in the preparation of this excellent text.

My enthusiasm for this book continues to grow the more I use it. I highly recommend it to any practitioner no matter how long you have been in practice. You will refer to it more than any other book in your library.

Eggleston Rating: 10

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Dynamic Chiropractic
January 15, 1996, Volume 14, Issue 02

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