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A Bright Light from Africa–Technikon Natal

Aussie Olympic Swim Team Goes Chiropractic10/2/00

Britain Passes "Chiropractors Act"9/12/94

Canadian Chiropractic Clinical Guidelines Published5/20/94

Chance of a Lifetime for Chiropractic in Japan - 6/28/99

Chiropractic Adventures in Guatemala1/4/91

Chiropractic Booming in Asia7/28/97

Chiropractic Education Blossoms in Japan - RMIT Unit Opens7/17/95

Chiropractic Education Expands in the U. K.8/10/98

Chiropractic Flourishes in Saudi Arabia1/1/94

Chiropractic Goes to Morocco8/01/90

Chiropractic Goes to Nepal5/6/94

Chiropractic Goes to Slovakia2/11/94

Chiropractic Goes to the Odessa-Pirogov Medical Institute in Ukraine3/25/94

Chiropractic Care for Bosnian Children12/1/99

Chiropractic in Catalonia7/30/93

Chiropractic in Denmark3/13/95

Chiropractic in Israel - 6/28/99

Chiropractic in Norway9/13/91

Chiropractic is Legal in Belgium - 5/31/99

Chiropractic's First Steps in Hungary8/2/91

Chiropractic in Cuba: a Chance to Help 11,000,000 People11/30/00

Clinics Abroad: Palmer's Global Perpective - 4/5/99

Costa Rica Legalizes Chiropractic - 11/15/99

Cuba and Chiropractic: The Havana Conference - 1/29/01

DC Gives Southeast Asians View of Chiropractic8/13/93

DC Promotes Chiropractic in Iran1/31/92

DCs Gain Legislative Recognition in Hong Kong3/12/93

DCs Visit Chinese National Olympic Training Center11/05/93

Denmark Produces LBP Guidelines - Chiropractic Recommended10/31/00

Denmark University Establishes 5-Year chiropractic Program4/7/97

Europe and the Future of Chiropractic1/29/01

Expanding Chiropractic Education in Denmark6/29/98

First Latin American Congress of Chiropractic3/11/94

A Future for Chiropractic in Austria10/22/93

Hong Kong DCs Begin Registration9/12/01

Integrating Chiropractic in a South African Hospital - 7/12/99

International Spirit of Chiropractic - Reflections on the Olympic Experience11/18/96

Introducing Chiropractic in Estonia7/1/94

Introducing Chiropractic to Northwest Africa9/24/93

Introducing Chiropractic to the Ukraine3/26/93

Introducing the French Institute of Chiropractic (IFC)1/03/90

Japanese DCs Develop Educational Standards12/14/98

The Justine Blainey Story8/10/98

Korean Chiropractic Association Formed5/7/93

Mali, West Africa Challenges Christian Chiropractor2/14/90

Nat'l Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies of Back Pain1/14/97

Natal Chiropractic Students Preparing To Change South Africa12/19/90

New British Low Back Pain Guidelines Released1/14/97

New Zealand Welcomes University-Based Chiropractic School4/6/94

Palmer College Will Headquarter Research Consortium3/23/98

Poland Is Eager for Chiropractic3/11/94

Report from Budapest5/10/91

Russian-Chiropractic Connection 2000: Return to Vladivostok1/1/01

South Korean University to Begin Chiropractic Course4/7/97

Student Clinical Program Goes to Romania1/28/94

Sydney 2000 Olympics11/15/00

Technikon Natal's Unique Internship Program2/8/99

The UK's First University-Based Chiropractic Degree Program4/6/98

Vatican Recognizes Association of Catholic Chiropractors11/30/00

WHO Endorses Chiropractic at 1993 World Chiropractic Congress7/2/93

WHO Establishes Official Relations with the Chiropractic Profession2/10/97

World Federation of Chiropractic: The Who, What, Why, Where and How 7/24/00


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