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Help Your Spine and Your Golf Score

There are an estimated 25 million golfers in the United States, and with the recent surge in the sport's popularity, that figure should exceed 27 million by the end of the year. It is also estimated that more than 50% of people who golf regularly will develop chronic low-back problems at some point in their lives.

You're probably familiar with the modern golf swing -- it emphasizes an exaggerated backswing and follow-through. Amateur golfers are routinely taught that rotation of the body (at the hips) is needed to maximize club-head velocity and hitting distance. However, studies have demonstrated that a shorter, more compact swinging motion is not only much more effective, but also generates far less potential for spinal injury.

Golf injuries are surprisingly common considering the non-contact nature of the game. Ask your chiropractor about the specifics of a more appropriate golf swing, and get the facts on how an improper swing can place unnecessary stress on your low back and spine. Following your chiropractor's advice can help you avoid injury... and it may even make you a better golfer.


Seaman DR. Back pain in golfers: etiology and prevention. Journal of Sports Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, June 1998; vol. 12, no. 2, pp45-54.

For additional information on sports and fitness, go to https://www.chiroweb.com/tyh/sports.html


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