Did you know that in-home injuries kill approximately 30,000 people in the United States each year and that one-third of home-injury fatalities are related to falls? Senior citizens are often most vulnerable to falls because balance and mobility decline as we age, but most of the time falls can be prevented.
The March issue of the Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource newsletter highlights several precautions that can be taken in the home to avoid potentially fatal falls. These include keeping all areas of the home well lit, installing nightlights and having a flashlight available in the event of a power outage; arranging furniture to allow for easy movement; keeping porch steps and walkways in good repair; securing rugs and flooring with slip-resistant backing, and removing small throw rugs; ensuring that stairways are equipped with nonskid surfaces; and installing bars in the bathroom and shower, as well as using nonskid mats in the tub.
Falls are not a necessary part of aging! By taking a few precautions, most falls can be prevented and your home will be a safer place. For more general health tips, visit www.chiroweb.com/find.
Press release. Tips to avoid falls at home. Newswise. March 11, 2005. www.newswise.com.