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Mom, I Have a Soda Headache!

A recent survey* sponsored by baby food manufacturer Gerber products revealed, among other things, that some parents actually let their babies drink soda. As early as 7 months of age, these bundles of joy are taking the first step toward poor nutrition and tooth decay (in most cases, before they've even taken their first steps).

Obesity and dental problems may be the two most documented consequences of drinking soft drinks, but what about chronic headaches? Previous research links coffee and tea intake to headaches, but a study that appeared in the June issue of Cephalagia found that soft drink consumption had the same deleterious effect. Thirty-six children and adolescents who visited a hospital over a five-year period with complaints of daily or near-daily headaches were deemed "excessive caffeine consumers," predominately in the form of soda - an average of 11 liters per week!

Before you say, "Yes, but my children don't drink that much," keep in mind that 11 liters is the equivalent to fewer than three 12 oz cans per day -- or one 32 oz Big Gulp.(r) And who knows how much your teenager pours into a bottomless plastic cup from that 2 liter bottle in your refrigerator?

The point is, kids (and adults) are drinking way too much soda these days, and it's having negative consequences on their health. Talk to your doctor of chiropractic about the essentials of sound nutrition for yourself and your children.

For more about the important vitamins and minerals you're being deprived of by consuming nutrient-deficient soft drinks, visit www.chiroweb.com/find/tellmeabout/nutrients.html.


Hering-Hanit R, Gadoth N. Caffeine-induced headache in children and adolescents. Cephalagia June 2003:23(5), pp332-5.

*To read a comprehensive review of this survey, visit www.chiroweb.com/archives/22/01/06.html.


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