Kids who suffer from allergies know how lousy they can make
you feel, and allergy medications often have side effects
like drowsiness. As a result, natural means of preventing
the development of hay fever and itchy skin are increasingly
being studied.
Research on dietary fat intake and its association with allergic
reactions is an example -- it has been suspected that eating
a lot of unsaturated fat, such as margarine, may be linked
to nasal and dermal (skin-related) allergic reactions.
In a recent study in Allergy, researchers evaluated
the link between dietary fats and the risk of developing allergies.
They examined 462 children, 3 to 18 years old, comparing the
occurrence of allergies to dietary information. The children
were studied over a nine-year period.
The results indicated that prior to developing allergies,
allergy sufferers had used more margarine and less butter
than the other children. Also, the level of fatty acids obtained
from fish was higher in non-allergic kids than in those with
skin allergies.
Providing too much margarine and not enough butter in your
child’s diet may be related to the development of allergies.
Eating fish also may reduce allergy symptoms. More research
needs to be done on a possible association between dietary
fats and allergies, but in the meanwhile, be sure to provide
your child with a balance of dietary fats.
Dunder T, Kuikka L, Turtinen J, et al. Diet, serum fatty
acids, and atopic diseases in childhood. Allergy 2001:56,
pp 425-428.