Why eat yogurt? For starters, it's loaded with nutrients,
including protein, calcium and riboflavin. Still not convinced?
Consider the findings of a study that appeared in the European
Journal of Clinical Nutrition earlier this year.
healthy volunteers (aged 60-83) were randomly assigned to
one of two groups. Twelve subjects drank six ounces of low-fat,
low-lactose milk twice a day for six weeks, while 13 subjects
drank the same milk supplemented with a strain of lactic acid
bacteria derived from yogurt (bifidobacterium lactis).
Results: Subjects who consumed milk supplemented with
B lactis showed significantly improved levels of a biomarker
for improved immunity compared with subjects who drank unsupplemented
milk. The authors are encouraged that these improvements in
immune function were noted after adopting a relatively short-term
diet (six weeks), concluding that "Dietary B lactis appears
to improve immune function in elderly subjects when delivered
in a milk-based diet."
Your chiropractor can evaluate your current diet and outline
a specific nutritional plan suitable to your needs.
Arunachalam K, Gill HS, Chandra RK. Enhancement of natural
immune function by dietary consumption of Bifidobacterium
lactis (HN019). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2000: Vol. 54, pp263-67.
For information on nutrition, visit https://www.chiroweb.com/tyh/nutrients.html