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Reducing Workplace Injuries
Using Proper Ergonomics

Every year, almost a million people are forced to take time off from work due to repetitive motion injuries or overexertion. Many of these conditions are caused by poor ergonomics - in other words, the environment in which a person works isn't designed properly to reduce the risk of injury and maximize productivity.

In a recent study, office workers were selected to participate in one of three study groups. One group received an adjustable office chair and training in office ergonomics; the second group received training only; and the third group received the training only, but not until the end of the study period. Workers who received the adjustable chair and the training had lower average pain levels and fewer symptoms of injury during the course of the study than workers in the other two groups.

If you want to have healthy, productive employees, just training them in ergonomics won't do the trick. In addition to proper training, make sure your employees have equipment that is easy to use and can be adjusted to a variety of heights to accommodate their needs. And if you're an employee, make sure your boss provides adequate training and work equipment, including the appropriate chair, to keep you healthy, happy and productive. It's a win-win situation on both sides.


Amick BC, Robertson MM, DeRango K, et al. Effect of office ergonomics intervention on reducing musculoskeletal symptoms. Spine 2003;28(24), pp2706-2711.

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