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On the Safety of the Chiropractic Adjustment

The term chiropractic comes from the Greek word Chiropraktikos, meaning "effective treatment by hand." Effective treatment by hand is exactly what chiropractors do, delivering gentle adjustments to the spine and musculoskeletal system to maximize wellness and prevent dysfunction.

Complications resulting from any procedure are always unfortunate, regardless of the health care professional administering care. While a certain degree of risk accompanies all health interventions, specific concerns have been raised over the safety of spinal manipulation.

But have no fear: As a study in the Chiropractic Journal of Australia professes, the chiropractic adjustment is "one of the most conservative, least invasive and safest of procedures within the health care professions." The study compared complication rates, specifically cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) and/or death attributable to spinal manipulation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and numerous medical procedures. The author emphasizes that the potential risk of "catastrophic" side-effects from spinal manipulation is substantially lower than most common medical procedures.

If you're interested in safe conservative care for yourself and your loved ones, schedule an appointment with a doctor of chiropractic.


Rome PL. Perspectives: an overview of comparative considerations of cerebrovascular accidents. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Sept. 1999: Vol. 29, No. 3, pp87-102.

For more information on chiropractic, go to https://www.chiroweb.com/find/whatis.html


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