Chiropractic in the United States: Training, Practice, and Research
This project was supported by grant number HS07915 from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
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AHCPR Publication No. 98-N002 December 1997
Download Chiropractic in the United States by chapter
Title Page, Table of Contents & Foreword I. A Brief History of Chiropractic II. Chiropractic Belief Systems III. Chiropractic Training IV. Supply, Distribution, and Utilization of Chiropractors in the United States V. Licensure and Legal Scope of Practice VI. Insurance Coverage of Chiropractic Services VII. Chiropractic in the Health Care System VIII. Content of Practice IX. Chiropractic Research X. Biological Rationale for Possible Benefits of Spinal Manipulation XI. Benefits and Risk of Spinal Manipulation XII. Synopsis, Research Priorities, and Policy Issues