Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - August 23, 1999
August 23, 1999 Issue
Volume 17, Issue 18
- AHCPR Undergoes Reconstructive Surgery
- Editorial Staff
- Legal Precedent
- John Amaro
- How Microcurrent Stimulation Produces
ATP -- One Mechanism
- Steven Bailey
- Synoptic Approach of a Holistic/Alternative
Treatment for Patients with Asthma
- Wade Browne, Joseph Goodman
- Auto Crash Reconstruction in LOSRIC,
Part IV
- Arthur Croft
- Forward Head / Forward Shoulders
- Warren Hammer
- Hepatitis B Vaccine Comes under
- Michael Devitt, asst. editor
- Draft of ICA's Clinical Guidelines
on Line
- Editorial Staff
- JMPT Abstracts July/August 1999
- Editorial Staff
- ChiroWeb Kiosk: New Sitemap Helps
Guide Users through ChiroWeb
- Editorial Staff
- Identification and Treatment of
Muscular Chains
- Craig Liebenson and Robert Lardner
- A Chiropractic Viewpoint
- Sandra Ann Mowery
- News in Brief
- Editorial Staff
- Treating Professional Team Athletes
- Alan Palmer
- CT Is Not Completely Out of Date
- Deborah Pate
- The Quiet Majority: Who Are You
and What Do You Want?
- Donald M. Petersen Jr.
- Developing a Sports Practice
- Thomas Souza
- DC On Line (Research)
- Brian Sutton
- Veterans Health Care Act Mandates
Establishing Chiropractic's Role
- Editorial Staff
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