Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - May 6, 1996
May 6, 1996 Issue
Volume 14, Issue 10
- Chiropractic Colleges Meet to Address Common Concerns
- Editorial Staff
- Sea Cucumber: A Natural Arthritis Treatment
- Howard Benedikt, DC, MS
- "DC" On-Line
- Brian Sutton, DC
- Should MDs Be Taught to Manipulate?
- Editorial Staff
- The Missing Link in Low Back Pain Syndrome: the Iliopsoas Connection?
- Craig Liebenson,DC, and Joseph Cimino, DC
- Study Shows Chiropractic Cost Effective in Managed Care
- Editorial Staff
- New Study Shows Chiropractic Cost Effective in Managed Care
- Editorial Staff
- Chiropractic in Australia and New Zealand
- George Dragesevich, DC and Orazio Trevisan, DC
- The Sutural System of the Cranium
- Harvey Getzoff, DC, DICS
- The Choice of Many Paths
- R. James Gregg, DC, FICA
- The Benefits of Managed Care?
- Editorial Staff
- I.Q. -- Interesting Quotes
- Editorial Staff
- Cerebral Acupuncture (for Neurological Syndromes)
- John Amaro, DC, FIACA, Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM)
- Hands On
- Mark King, DC
- Malpractice Insurance Choices
- Editorial Staff
- Support Continues for Chiropractic Suit vs. HMOs
- Editorial Staff
- News in Brief
- Editorial Staff
- NJ Chiropractic Society Honors Dr. Eugene Cianciulli
- Editorial Staff
- In Defense of the Audible
- Robert Cooperstein, DC, MA
- Book Review
- Editorial Staff
- Chiropractic in Managed Care -- What's the Buzz?
- Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), Editor/Publisher of Dynamic Chiropractic
- Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Become "Medical Catastrophe"
- Ronald Rupert, MS, DC
- Is the Face of Managed Care Changing?
- Stephen Seater, CAE
- The Employer Holds the Key to the Doors of Managed Care
- Joseph SweereJoseph J. Sweere, DC, DABCO, DACBOH, FICC
- Slaughter's Last Words
- Editorial Staff
- AHCPR on the Internet
- Editorial Staff
- We Get Letters & E-Mail
- Editorial Staff
- Functional Examination More Accurate than MRI in Predicting Glenoid Labral Tears
- Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO
- The Bastardization of Chiropractic
- Chester Wilk, DC
- Cowboys and Chiropractic -- A Rodeo Duet
- Editorial Staff
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