Migraines and Loss of Productivity in US
Because of the common experience of headaches and the plethora of
remedies, it's encouraging that the AHCPR (Agency for Health Care
Policy and Research) is developing guidelines for the treatment of
headaches (see July 3, 1995 issue of "DC"). The AHCPR treatment
recommendations will be particularly interesting regarding
migraines, the often severely debilitating condition that takes a
significant toll on many people's productivity. While chiropractic
patients speak of relief from common headaches and migraines with
chiropractic care, the AHCPR panel will base their recommendations
on the most scrupulously conducted headache research. Will any
headache research of chiropractic patients meet their criteria?
(horizontal graph with male, female & kid figures)
Number of Days Lost Production/Restricted Activity Per Year
School-Aged Children (5 to 17 years old) -- 4.2 million days
Employed Males -- 2.7 million days
Employed Females -- 18.8 million days
Housewives -- 38.5 million days
SOURCE: Stang PE, Osterhaus JT. Impact of migraine in the United
States: data from the National Health Interview Survey. Headache
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