Reader's Digest Dispels Back Pain Myths
Article in World's Most Read Publication is Based on AHCPR
The clinical practice guidelines, Acute Low Back Problems in
Adults, published by the Agency for Health care Policy and Research
(AHCPR), recommend that the "relief of discomfort" (of acute low
back conditions) "can be accomplished most safely with
nonprescription medication and/or spinal manipulation." But to what
extent did this recommendation for spinal manipulation filter down
to John and Mary Q. Public?
Aside from a brief mention of the AHCPR guidelines on the national
nightly news back on Dec. 8, 1994 when the guidelines were made
public, and the short-lived newspaper articles at the time, how
many people have heard or read about them, and what influence has
the AHCPR recommendation for spinal manipulation had in peoples'
health care decisions about back pain treatment?
While the latter question is unanswerable, at least we know the
word is getting out about spinal manipulation with the publication
of "Good News for Bad Backs" in the May 1995 Reader's Digest. The
article is subheaded: "Forget those old myths about how to treat
back pain. Here are the latest -- often surprising --
Reader's Digest is subscribed to by 27 million people worldwide,
and it's anybody's guess how many more tens of millions read it.
The Digest is the number one magazine in the US (16 million
subscribers), and is published in 17 languages: English (US, UK,
Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Asia); Spanish
(US, Latin American, Spain); Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil);
Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, French, German, Italian,
Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Hungarian, Czech, Korean, and Hindi. The
Digest also is presented in large-type editions, in Braille, and on
audio cassettes. Suffice it to say that the message is getting out
about spinal manipulation and chiropractic.
In "Good News for Bad Backs," author Mandy Matson states: "For
generations much of the medical advice about low-back pain has been
less than ideal. All too often suffering was prolonged and even
compounded by outdated medical treatments." The author then lists
seven "myths" of low-back pain, and suggests people try the new
guidelines of the AHCPR:
Myth l: See your doctor right away.
New Guideline: Give yourself some time.
Myth 2: Stay in bed.
New Guideline: Get back on your feet
Myth 3: You need prescription drugs to bring relief.
New Guideline: Many can take aspirin, or other over-the-counter
Myth 4: Get an x-ray.
New Guideline: Not so fast.
Myth 5: You'll often need surgery.
New Guideline: Probably not.
Myth 6: Don't exert yourself.
New Guideline: Exercise.
Myth 7: Stay away from chiropractors.
New guideline: They may help.
While the author's dispelling of back pain myths is not the glowing
endorsement of chiropractic that we would like, it does lead people
away from prescription drugs and surgery.
In support of chiropractic care, the author cites the RAND study as
reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine. RAND researcher Paul
Shekelle, MD, MPH, is quoted: "The data are sufficient to say that
spinal manipulation is definitely better than many medical
therapies that people used in the past."
Most importantly, the author recognizes spinal manipulation as
chiropractic. No mention was made of osteopathy or manual
manipulators. "To find a competent chiropractor," the author
suggests: "... ask your doctor for a referral or ask friends about
chiropractors who have successfully treated their back problems."
This article should go a long way in helping to dispel the medical
myths about back pain, and presenting at least some of the truth
about chiropractic.
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