Upcoming Stories
Australian Study Compares Chiropractic vs. Medical Costs
"Mechanical Low Back Pain: A Comparison of Medical and Chiropractic
Management within the Victorian WorkCare Scheme" studied a matched
sample of "all work-related mechanical low back pain claimants
within a 12-month period in Victoria, Australia."
Comparisons of costs and outcomes between medical and chiropractic
care were very favorably in chiropractic's corner.
Chiropractic Freedom of Choice Law Upheld in Florida
An appellate court upheld a Florida statute that says an insurance
company cannot avoid paying for chiropractic by classifying
manipulation as physical therapy.
Chiropractic Is the Cat's Meow
Members of the cast of Cats were treated to chiropractic care
during the play's revival in Phoenix, Arizona.
Alabama State Chiro. Assoc. Develops PPO
The ASCA has organized a PPO to gain chiropractic parity in the
workers' compensation market.
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