Chiropractic Standards of Practice and Quality of Care
Edited by -- Herbert J. Vear, D.C.
Hardcover -- 300 pages
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Everyone wants to define chiropractic: insurance companies; state
legislatures; state and national associations; lawyers; the federal
government; and other chiropractors -- each with the idea of putting
a philosophical and economic wall around us.
When I was on the Vermont state board there was a move by the
insurance companies to define what we do. This makes sense until
you realize that once you tell someone what you do, you're also
telling them what you don't do. This leaves little, if any room to
expand or grow with the future. Then ask yourself how medicine is
Imagine for a moment, what it might be like if some ten years from
now some new form of technology was developed that would enhance
the chiropractic adjustment. "Sorry," we could be told, "but
that's not within the definition of your profession." Of course
this would be just dandy for the supers who would have every DC
adjust and wear clothes like B.J. Palmer. They're in their little
time warp. But for the vast majority a wealth of modern technology
could be lost to us.
Needless to say, the Vermont board, at that time, demurred from
defining ourselves out of a future.
What is most annoying is when we cuddle up to some MDs and others
outside of our profession and invite them to sit on committees that
are formed to set standards of practice for our profession. To
some, this adds some kind of pseudolegitimacy to a chiropractic
function. Here we are -- a profession built upon medical failure,
asking medical personnel to set the standards of practice that we
must follow. It's sickening to think of all the servile DCs
seeking the approbation of the drug dealers and butchers of the
healing arts -- so we can be "official."
As you might imagine, when a volume about chiropractic standards of
care is submitted for review, it raises a few hackles on the back of
my neck. This feeling was quickly dissipated when I found that the
chapters of Chiropractic Standards of Practice and Quality of Care
were written by chiropractors or personnel associated with
chiropractic academia. This was a good start.
It didn't take long to realize that what I was reading was a cogent
text on the need to pull together the threads that make up the
fabric of our profession. The fact that I resist defining
chiropractic doesn't negate the fact that everyone else does, and
that if we don't formulate some kind of cohesive design for our
practice someone else, not necessarily our friends, most surely
With this in mind, Herbert Vear has assembled a thought-provoking
group of papers arranged in 13 chapters that both challenges and
guides the reader into constructive assumptions.
Vear sets the stage in Chapter I by examining the incongruities of
the practice acts in the different states, provinces, and
countries. This hit a sore spot, for it always reminds me of the
West Coast of the continental United States where one can do a
little of this and that in California, just about everything you
were taught and more in Oregon, and be arrested in Washington for
even thinking about more than holding a B.J. green book in one hand
and adjusting with the other. Obviously, something is very wrong
Vear's postulates are amplified by the authors of the second
chapter who advocate that intensive research and clinical
evaluation be correlated with the structuring of our standards and
scope of practice.
The chapters that follow concentrate on the scope of chiropractic
practice and the importance of quality assurance within the
Then, in chapter six, we find the text devoted to the possible
dangers of upper cervical corrections and the procedures needed to
reduce pathological residuals. While somewhat disconcerting in its
placement and subject matter, I found the author articulate and the
chapter filled with useful information.
The rest of the volume follows along a predictable construct:
clinical procedure; interprofessional and patient relationships;
the indications and contraindications for spinal manipulation; the
legal ramifications of the scope under which we might practice; and
finally the responsibilities indigenous to a physician/third-party
payer relationships.
The two appendices on the attributes of chiropractic practice
guidelines and the glossary on general and managed health care
round out a volume that I highly recommend. If we must be
"defined," let it begin now.
