"Chiropractic and Hospital Privileges"
Presented by -- The American Chiropractic Association
Workbook/Videotapes/Audio Tapes
Please see pages xx, Parts #J-315C for information on how to order
First and foremost you must ask yourself, "Do I really want to work
in a hospital?" Personally, I have no real desire to do so, and I
believe a majority feel the same way. Mine is a family practice
built upon the failures of medicine, and I see no need to be
involved in a web of medical contrivance. But, that's me, and I
realize there is a growing number of chiropractic physicians who
feel that the dimension of hospital privileges is important to
their practice. It opens a reservoir of diagnostic modalities to
the DC as well as acute care facilities that can only be obtained
in a hospital environment.
For the preceding, and many more cogent reasons, the ACA has
produced one of the most important and useful information kits on
chiropractic and hospital protocols I have ever seen.
Attractively packaged, the kit contains a manual, a videotape, and
an audio tape. My advice is that you listen to the audio tape
first. It presents personal testimonies from doctors who have
successfully entered hospital practice. In so doing it tells of
the many valleys it might be necessary to cross before the
acceptance of chiropractic in a hospital setting. Prejudice and
lack of knowledge about chiropractic are just some of the obstacles
that must be faced. You have to remember that to many MDs, the
only face of chiropractic they might recognize is the one they
might see in the yellow pages or on some idiotic freebie coupon
received in the mail. To them, chiropractic is a murky
pseudoprofession that gives away free dinners for business and
cracks backs to cure everything from mental illness to cancer.
While this is wrong, some of the misconceptions are of our own
doing. Therefore, the chiropractor seeking entrance into a
hospital must be prepared to not only represent his own personal
conduct but those of his colleagues as well, which can
unfortunately turn into an odious task at best.
The next step is to form a group of like-minded DCs and study
the workbook that's included in the kit. This manual is one of the
most interesting and succinctly transcribed explanations of
hospital structuring and management protocols that I have ever
read. It's so good that I recommend reading it even if you have no
desire to obtain hospital privileges.
The workbook is divided into five parts, six appendices, and a
glossary. Part I is on hospital demographics, governance, and
management. This is followed by hospital accreditation procedures,
then medical staff governing protocols and privileges, hospital
selection and application procedures, and finally Part V,
addressing hospital protocol and physician responsibilities.
As with many volumes, the appendices can often be as informative as
the main text and this manual is no exception: experimental studies
of chiropractic manipulation, hospital bylaws, chiropractic service
bylaws, amendments, and a protocol outline.
The videotape is a beautifully presented series of testimonials from
hospital administrators and medical and chiropractic physicians already
working successfully in the program. Also included is an excellent booklet
which serves as an introduction to chiropractic for hospital administrators
and medical staff doctors. While the latter is for medical personnel,
it's important that the chiropractic physician study it carefully -- then
both sides learn.
One DC recommends that before you approach the hospital
administrator that you attempt to form social relationships with
some of the hospital staff. Whatever you do -- do it right. Plan
carefully with others before you make your first contact and be
prepared to play some professional hardball.
Remember too that it's not all "hat in hand" for chiropractic.
Most hospitals today need the revenue that chiropractic bodies can
provide. This is something that should be tactfully presented
during negotiations.
In my library at home I have books on surgery which I value highly
-- not because I want to be a surgeon but because I believe it's
important to understand what others have done or plan to do to a
patient. While I haven't any personal plans for a hospital
practice, I'm glad I have this splendid kit from the ACA. It's
filled with information that can benefit everyone.
There's little doubt that more and more DCs will be on hospital
staffs and "Chiropractic and Hospital Privileges" is a play book
worthy of Super Bowl champions. It's something to make you proud.