A DCs Fight against Slander
Back in February of 1990, David Garst, D.C., was scheduled to appear
on a Virginia radio station with George McAndrews and Louis
Sportelli, D.C., to discuss the Wilk et al. case. The program was
cancelled by the radio station's owner who referred to
Dr. Garst as a "lunatic," and "not playing with a full deck," among
other defamatory comments.
Dr. Garst sued the radio station owner and had what seemed like a
clear-cut case of slander: find out the surprising result.
Colorado Takes a Stand on Telephone Solicitations
The Colorado Chiropractic Association has made a position statement
on telephone solicitations.
HEAL Saga, Part 2
Dr. Gerard Clum completes his article on HEAL, addressing the
"Tiering of HEAL lenders," replete with informative tables.
ICA Establishes Task Force on National Health Policy
DCs in Kansas Win Right to Call Themselves "Doctors of
Mercy Center Conference adds Four New Sponsors
The sponsorship for the Mercy Center Conference (Jan. 25-30 in
Burlingame, California) continues to grow. Four new sponsors have
joined the standards of care conference: Texas Chiropractic
Association (TCA); Leander Health Technologies; Southeastern
Federation; and National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association

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