World Federation of Chiropractic Meets in Geneva
The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), representing national
associations of chiropractors in 43 countries, had its annual
executive council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland during May 1990.
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The meeting was held to coincide with the annual Assembly of the
World Health Organization (WHO). For the first time, DCs from
every world region attended the WHO assembly, carrying awareness
of chiropractic to WHO leaders and national delegates from over
100 countries. Meetings with WHO officials advanced working
relations first established in 1988.
New countries/associations admitted to membership were Belize,
Columbia, Iran, Kuwait, and Taiwan. A major WFC agenda item in
Geneva was the planning of the 1991 World Chiropractic Congress to
be held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Canada, April 30-May 5,
1991. This will feature: assembly of members with reports on
chiropractic in over 40 countries, workshops, lectures, and
presentation of current chiropractic research.
The congress program, organized by a WFC research council chaired
by Dr. Scott Haldeman, is exceptional. Confirmed lead speakers
Alan Breen
David Cassidy
Lynton Giles
Scott Haldeman
Reed Phillips
John Triano
Gunnar Andersson
Nicholas Bogduk
Bjorn Rydevik
Akio Sato
Sam Wiesel
Clinical examination
Sacroiliac dysfunction
Facet syndrome
Research trials
Chiropractic radiology
Occupational back pain
Spinal anatomy
Nerve compression
Neurovisceral reflexes
Differential diagnosis of spinal disorders
Prizes of $5,000, $3,000, and $1,000 are being awarded to the top
three research papers submitted. The proceedings are to be
published in a special issue of JMPT.
Over 1,000 chiropractors from more than 40 countries are expected
at the Toronto meeting -- why not be there yourself! If you are
interested in presenting research on the program, or attending,
write for more information to:
1991 World Chiropractic Congress
3080 Yonge Street, Suite 1028
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4M 3N1
FAX No. (416) 484-9665
Outline/Legend For Photograph
Council of the World Federation of Chiropractic: (Seated left to
right) Dr. Christopher Diedericks, Africa (past president,
Chiropractors Association of South Africa); Dr. John Sweaney, WFC
secretary-treasurer, Pacific (executive director, Australian
Chiropractors' Association); Dr. Gerald Clum, North America (vice
president, ICA); Dr. Enrique Benet, Latin America (president, La
Sociedad Cientifico Quiropractica de Mexico); Dr. Kenneth Luedtke,
North America (former president, ACA); Dr. Gary Auerbach, WFC
president, North America (ACA delegate); Dr. Christoph Diem, WFC
vice president, Europe (president, European Chiropractors Union);
Mr. David Chapman-Smith, WFC secretary-general; Dr. Bruce Vaughan,
Asia (president, Hong Kong Chiropractors' Association); Dr. John
Cochrane, North America (president, Canadian Chiropractic
Association); Dr. Yousef Meshki, Eastern Mediterranean (Amman,
Jordan); Dr. Vince Lucido, North America (past president, ACA).
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