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March 25, 2002

Dr. James D. Edwards
Chairman of the Board

Dr. Daryl D. Wills
American Chiropractic Association
1701 Clarendon Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209

Dear Dr. Edwards and Dr. Wills:

I am responding on behalf of the International Chiropractors Association to correspondence dated March 19, 2002 addressed to myself and Dr. Terry Rondberg concerning the recently mandated Chiropractic Advisory Committee within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). For the public record, ICA wishes to note that this correspondence is the first communication of any kind the ICA has received from any official of the American Chiropractic Association on this matter. We find it strange that this should be the case if the concern you indicate regarding this situation is, in fact genuine, and not simply a means to attempt to revive a previously failed policy objective or to seek publicity for your organization. That being as it may, please note that the International Chiropractors Association did, indeed, agree to support legislative language that would, if passed, have reconstituted the Department of Defense (DOD) Chiropractic Advisory Committee, with the addition of Dr. Carl S. Cleveland, III to that body. If that language had been adopted by Congress, ICA would have abided by our agreement without hesitation or reservation and this communication would be completely unnecessary. I must emphasize that ICA's agreement was to support legislative language that would have reconstituted the DOD Committee. THAT PROPOSAL WAS REJECTED OUT OF HAND BY CONGRESS AS INAPPROPRIATE AND UPON THIS DECISIVE CONGRESSIONAL REBUFF, ICA CONSIDERED AND CONTINUES TO CONSIDER ANY PREVIOUS AGREEMENT REGARDING THIS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROPOSAL TO BE TERMINATED.

ICA made a special point of inquiring of senior House Veterans Affairs personnel why this proposal was rejected. We were bluntly told that such a proposal would have been received with great negativity, even contempt by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and considered to be an insult by the House since it implies that the Secretary is incapable or should otherwise be denied the discretion to make such appointments as he deemed best to fulfill his Department's mission. We have also been told that the new Administration would not likely entertain with favor the blanket reinstatement of a slate of appointments made under the previous Clinton Administration, regardless of the circumstances. That your organization would not have done a similar investigation in an effort to determine the political realities of this situation has, hopefully, not damaged the standing of the profession as a whole in this process with the Bush Administration.

To characterize ICA's position as a "flagrant breach of faith and trust" is a hysterical, self-serving reaction to the resounding rejection of a line of policy that our organizations did agree to support. ICA believes that the intent and will of Congress, as reflected in the language that was passed, to configure a new advisory committee, also extended to personnel. That Congress has rejected the DOD Committee initiative, without even serious discussion we are told because of the obvious negative elements, should be easy enough to understand, and the pursuit of this already rejected approach can do nothing but embarrass the chiropractic profession in the eyes of policy makers, including Members of Congress, whose respect and goodwill chiropractic urgently needs.

ICA also wishes to address the implication made in your letter that somehow the submission of names other than those who comprised the DOD Committee will provide greater opportunity for representatives of the National Association of Chiropractic Medicine (NACM) to participate in the officially appointed committee. Please be advised that ICA has learned that input from the NACM was solicited weeks ago by the Department of Veterans Affairs, at the behest of senior program managers, and that their nominees have already received and completed White House Personnel Office forms. That any activity on the part of ICA, ACA, ACC or WCA could have prevented this from happening is self-deceptive and wishful thinking because it is our view that the agency itself is possibly seeking their participation in a stooge capacity to echo their anti-chiropractic orientation. Also, please do not think that ICA, ACA, ACC and WCA are the only organizations or interests submitting names for this advisory committee. We are aware that dozens, perhaps hundreds of individual doctors of chiropractic across the nation have asked their Members of Congress to put their names forward for consideration for these positions.

ICA has, on the other hand, taken no steps to oppose or obstruct the nomination of any individuals your organization sees fit to put forward for any position or positions on the DVA Advisory Committee, including any and all members of the DOD slate. We actively support the nomination of Dr. Carl S. Cleveland, both as an exceptional and gifted representative of chiropractic and because of his viability as a candidate. We are fully aware that the World Chiropractic Alliance, as well as the ICA are putting select names forward in this process. We are not so naïve or self-delusional as to think, however, that any combination of chiropractic organizations can drive the Secretary's decision making, and once again, we fear that your illusions to perceptions of chiropractic disunity by the DVA are insignificant by comparison to the arrogant presumption inherent in your assertion that if the DOD slate were put forward then the Secretary would have to nominate them.

If your organization wishes to enter into a meaningful dialogue regarding the options that best serve the chiropractic profession in this situation, ICA would be happy to participate. If, however, you wish to continue your campaign of deception by insult, we will be obliged to defend our organization, its policies and our values with all of the forces at our command. The disunity you appear to fear so much will only be escalated to new levels, however, by such a decision on your part. Is the ACA capable of doing what is needed here? We await your response.


D.D. Humber, DC, FICA

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