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March 14, 2002


Dear Colleagues:

The Department of Veterans' Affairs legislation signed into law by the President of the United States earlier this year to provide chiropractic services to our nation's veterans was a watershed moment for chiropractic patients and the chiropractic profession. This resulted from the united efforts of the ACC, the ACA, the ICA and the WCA. We are disappointed that efforts to secure the Advisory Committee members, as outlined in the original agreement among the four organizations, have not remained united.

At the meeting of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Board in New Orleans, the ACC presidents present unanimously voted to adhere to the original agreement. We therefore submitted a letter to Secretary Principi and to the White House seeking appointments as outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement of August 28, 2001.

The ACC presidents firmly believe that a prudent agreement was reached last August and that we are bound by that pledge. It is our conviction that this group of nominees will continue to accomplish objectives benefiting the entire profession when working in the highly political environment of the Department of Veterans' Affairs. We intend to achieve our legislative goals and work toward a reconciliation of our relationship. The Veterans' Affairs legislative victory, achieved in the fac of unrelenting opposition and open hostility, is too important and the benefits to our profession and patients too great to allow this issue to break our resolve to work together.

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