To: Patient's Name


"To Your Health" is brought to you by:


Smith Chiropractic
Thomas Smith, DC

1234 Main Ave.
Anytown, CA 12345-1715 USA

714 555-5555

This issue features a number of articles you will want to share with your family, friends and co-workers. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to them via e-mail. If you have received this e-mail newsletter from someone else, you may subscribe free of charge and begin receiving your own copy by going to:


In this issue of To Your Health:

  • Life Can Be a Pain without Chiropractic
  • Medication Use May Cause Weight Gain
  • The Migraine Time Line

Life Can Be a Pain without Chiropratic

That pain in your knee is often what doctors call patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Simple activities such as running, jumping, or going up and down stairs can contribute to knee pain, which means that most of us will eventually suffer from some form of PFPS.

It has been suggested that PFPS can be relieved by sufficient stretching and lengthening of tight structures around the patella (the kneecap). A study in the Journal of the Neuromusculoskeletal System investigated this potential intervention in 30 patients with PFPS.

Patients were divided into two groups: The first group received ³patella mobilization² (extension of the knee with pressure and movement applied for 10 minutes, followed by patellar adjustment in the direction of restricted movement); the second group received retuned ultrasound as placebo (five minutes of ultrasound, but with the intensity set at zero).

Patients receiving mobilization had positive improvements in PFPS symptoms compared with the placebo group. The authors note that this type of conservative care may be useful when combined with other treatment options such as exercise, orthotics and activity modification. If you¹re suffering from knee pain and would like to know more about nonsurgical approaches to relieving your pain, contact your doctor of chiropractic.


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This edition of the "To Your Health" newsletter is co-sponsored by: Creating Chiropractic Community.


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