Let's Send a Message:No Charles DuVall in the VA Advisory Committee!Show your solidarity by adding the "No Duvall" logo to your website, letterhead or other publication. This will make it clear to the Veterans Administration and the world that Charles DuVall does not in any way shape of form represent the chiropractic profession. He has been very vocal against traditional chiropractic values in the past and there is no reason to think he won't continue to express these sentiments to the other members of the VA Advisory Committee, particularly to the medical doctors, osteopathic doctor, physical therapist, and physicians assistant the VA has also appointed to the "Chiropractic" Advisory Committee.
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This is what your text link will look like once you've pasted it into your web site. No Duvall -- Show your solidarity by adding the "No Duvall" logo to your website, letterhead or other publication. This will make it clear to the Veterans Administration and the world that Charles DuVall does not in any way shape of form represent the chiropractic profession.
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