The Art Of The Deposition: Getting Treating Chiropractors To Deliver Winning Testimony (DVD); The Treating Doctor's Handbook For Improving Deposition And Trial Testimony
DVD Review
Steven Savoie, DC
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Title: |
The Art Of The Deposition: Getting Treating Chiropractors To Deliver Winning Testimony (DVD); The Treating Doctor's Handbook For Improving Deposition And Trial Testimony
(Workbook) |
Author: |
Lawrence Nordhoff, DC, QME, ACTAR
Publisher: |
SGS Enterprises, LLC
Part #: |
V-473 |
The material talked about in this review consists of a DVD called The Art Of The Deposition and an accompanying workbook called The Treating Doctor's Handbook For Improving Deposition And Trial Testimony. The DVD presentation explains what the deposition consists of and how to properly prepare to be either the treating doctor or the expert witness in a personal-injury deposition. The deposition is then broken down into its component parts, such as the initial patient visit and patient medical records; the initial physical examination; the diagnosis; healing time; treatment; treatment nomenclature; human factors influencing the injury; prior pain or treatment; maximal medical improvement; and a number of other segments. What is unique about this presentation is that in each segment, a total of 23, the doctors show both the correct way to answer questions during a deposition and an example of the incorrect way to answer those very same questions.
The accompanying workbook goes into greater detail on preparation, such as reviewing the medical records, preparing your office for a deposition to take place, preparation of the doctor's CV, the financial aspects of the deposition (which attorney pays for prep time, and actual deposition time), and similar aspects of the case as they would relate to jury trial.
This presentation is extremely well-prepared. For the chiropractor with no experience in giving depositions, this presentation will be an excellent introduction to the medicolegal arena. For the chiropractor who has had some deposition experience or even significant deposition experience, this DVD will be excellent review and reinforcement. Dr. Nordhoff is obviously a well-qualified expert witness and does a wonderful job of teaching chiropractors how to best function in deposition situations. To those chiropractors wanting to learn about the challenging field of depositions, I highly recommend this program.
Dr. Savoie's
9.5 out
of 10
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