Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - November 19, 2001
November 19, 2001 Issue
Volume 19, Issue 24
- The Association of Smoking and Low Back Pain
- Lance A. Casazza,DC
- The 2001 ChiroMaster Award Winners
- Editorial Staff
- What's Going on with "The Table"...
- Robert Cooperstein,DC
- CAD Guidelines: We Have Them; Let's Use Them Results of a Preliminary Practice Survey
- Arthur Croft,DC,MS,MPH,FACO,FACFE, and Michael Haneline,DC,FICR
- The Weakest Link
- Stanley Greenfield,RHU
- Weak Abdominals - Tight Lumbodorsal Fascia
- Warren Hammer,MS,DC,DABCO
- JMPT Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
- Editorial Staff
- Something for Everyone: Over 10 Reasons Why We Should All be Part of the Nation's Second Largest Health Organization
- Lisa Killinger,DC
- The IDSIDS Procedure
- Joseph Kurnik,DC
- Nearly a Half Million in Chiropractor Donations Move Mountains of World Trade Center Rubble
- Dawn Lindley
- Differential Diagnosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
- Nancy Molina,DC, and Richard Molina,DC
- New York and New Jersey Courts Hand Down Key Rulings
- Editorial Staff
- News In Brief
- Editorial Staff
- If You Live Like a Doctor when You're a Student, You'll Live Like a Student when You're a Doctor!
- Rodney Phelps,JD,DC
- Occupational Health Care Testing
- Trent W. Saxton,DC
- Manipulative Therapy: Just a Placebo?
- John Triano,DC,PhD
- House Approves Chiropractic Care to Veterans in All VA Medical Centers
- Editorial Staff
- We Get Letters & E-Mail
- Editorial Staff
- Chiropractic Raises $5500,000...for Others
- Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS,HCD(hc),FICC(h)
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