Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - May 29, 2000
May 29, 2000 Issue
Volume 18, Issue 12
- Bridging Research and Practice
- Robert Mootz
- AltMed to Credential Chiropractors
for American Academy of Chiropractic Physicians
- Editorial Staff
- Heel Spur Management Protocols
- Kim Christensen
- American Back Society: Millennium
Meeting Sums It All Up, Part III
- Robert Cooperstein
- CAD Quiz #5
- Arthur Croft
- FICS Meeting in Mexico
- Editorial Staff
- A Shoulder Aggravating a Neck that
Aggravates a Shoulder
- Warren Hammer
- JMPT Research Abstracts,
May 2000
- Editorial Staff
- Case Studies in Review
- Nancy Molina
- NBCE Embraces Change
- Editorial Staff
- A Moment of Silence for Paul Tullio,DC
- Editorial Staff
- News in Brief
- Editorial Staff
- NYSCA Charges Health Plans with
Violating Chiropractic Equity Law
- Editorial Staff
- Para Tech and Therasys Indicted
on 37 Counts
- Editorial Staff
- Showing Some Courage
- Donald M. Petersen Jr.
- Quarterly World Report - World Federation
of Chiropractic
- Editorial Staff
- Sports Update - The Knee
- Thomas Souza
- Consumer Reports Cannot Con the
- Louis Sportelli
- DC On-Line
- Brian Sutton
- WFC Elects New Executive Officers
- Editorial Staff
- Chiropractors and Chiropractic Physicians
- James Winterstein
- WSCA Presents Awards
- Editorial Staff
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