Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - March 6, 2000
March 6, 2000 Issue
Volume 18, Issue 6
- Interview with the CEO of American
Specialty Health Plans
- Editorial Staff
- Custom-Fitted vs. Off-the-Shelf
- Kim Christensen
- Making the Case against Late Whiplash
- Arthur Croft
- ACA and ICA: It's the Same Thing!
- James Edwards
- Faxing Unsolicted Advertising Is
- Editorial Staff
- Al Gore Supports Chiropractic
- Editorial Staff
- Your Colleague Is Not Your Enemy
- Bruce Hagen Sr.
- Use of MRI for Evaluating Rotator
Cuff Exercises
- Warren Hammer
- Making Chiropractic History
- P. Reginald Hug
- Clinical Considerations: Plantar
- Mark King
- Charcot Marie with Sacroiliac Dysfunction
- Nancy Molina
- A Moment of Silence for Herbert
Reaver, DC
- Editorial Staff
- News In Brief
- Editorial Staff
- CDC Changes Policy on Polio Vaccine
- Michael Devitt, assistant editor
- A Tough Profession to Define?
- Donald M. Petersen Jr.
- CAM: Chiropractic-Acupuncture-Massage,
Complementary-Alternative-Medicine, or Chiropractors-Accepting-Mediocrity?
- Louis Sportelli
- "DC" Online (Research)
- Brian Sutton
- Premiere of National Symposium on
Complementary Geriatric Health
- Editorial Staff
- We Get Letters & E-mail
- Editorial Staff
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