Dynamic Chiropractic Archives - September 20, 1999
September 20, 1999 Issue
Volume 17, Issue 20
- Dr. Bruley Goes to Chiropractic
- Editorial Staff
- Rehabilitation of the Sprained Ankle
- Kim Christensen
- Loyalty and Opportunity
- Arnold Cianciulli
- Practical Auto Crash Reconstruction
in LOSRIC, Part V
- Arthur Croft
- Soft Tissue Approach for the Neural
Arch Ligamentous Stocking
- Warren Hammer
- "It," or "Like It"
- David Hepler
- NJ Supreme Court Broadens Scope
of Informed Consent
- Editorial Staff
- Chiroweb Kiosk
- Editorial Staff
- Focus on the Vertebral Subluxation
- David Koch
- Recent Questions on Stabilization
Training and Evidence-Based Care
- Craig Liebenson
- Spine Society Issues Health Fraud
- Editorial Staff
- NCC Raises the Admission Standard
- Editorial Staff
- Nat'l Board Joins Legal Battle,
Donates $50,000 to HCFA Lawsuit
- Editorial Staff
- The Chiropractic Jungle Is Neutral
- Tom Necela
- News in Brief
- Editorial Staff
- Why We Finally Said "Yes"
- Donald M. Petersen Jr.
- Synopsis of Research Agenda Conference
IV: Arlington Heights, IL, July 23-25, 1999
- Anthony Rosner
- Sports Update: Evaluation of the
Unstable Shoulder
- Thomas Souza
- A Doctors Union: Uniting or Dividing?
- Louis Sportelli
- DC OnLine (Research)
- Brian Sutton
- We Get Letters & E-Mail
- Editorial Staff
- Dilemma: The Belligerent Patient
- Barbara Zapotocky
- Postural Change and its Impact upon
the Human Musculoskeletal System
- Keith Innes,DC
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