Book Reviews
Title: The Knee, Clinical Applications
A. L. Logan Series in Chiropractic Technique
Author: Alfred L. Logan, DC
With a contribution by Lindsay J. Rowe, DC, DACBR
Publication: Softcover text, 169 pages
Publisher: Aspen Publishers, Inc. Phone: (800) 234-1660
Category: Doctor/Student education
Because there are two authors of this text, this review will be
done in two sections with a concluding statement and overall
evaluation rating.
Chapters 1-3 deal with anatomy, examination and muscle testing.
Anatomy: This chapter provides an extremely sparse overview of the
gross anatomy of the knee joint with illustrations, that are to say
the least, sadly lacking any resemblance to reality. The chapter
also includes some biomechanical considerations that do not take
into consideration the differences, between the closer kinetic chain
position and the open kinetic chain position, and are diametrically
opposed to the current state of the art biomechanics texts.
Examination: When one considers the many authors that have written
entire volumes on the examination of the knee joint in both open and
closed kinematics chain positions and have drawn conclusions based
on lack of function it becomes quite perplexing to try to fathom the
concepts of dynamic palpatory examination procedure which is then
listed in a static format. Chiropractic is about motion not bones
out of place!
Muscle Testing: This chapter, for the most part, is based on the
work of others and is adequately done.
Chapter 4 by Dr. Lindsay Rowe is, as always with this author, a joy
to read. It is clear, concise, and precise in every way. The
reproduction of the radiographs are excellent and the line
illustrations informative without being overdone with artistic
misinterpretations of osseous architecture. The highlight of this
text is this chapter.
Chapter 5, Adjective Techniques: Without a doubt the biggest
disappointment of this text is this chapter. Little if any
consideration is given to convex-concave relationships or coupled
motions of the knee joint with respect to specific adjustments. The
procedures shown are reminiscent of non-specific maneuvers from the
early 1900s and lack the specificity and understanding of dynamic
Chapters 6 and 7: These two chapters cover conditions and therapy,
exercises and stretches. This text does not even scratch the
surface of the above stated contents. For example there are
according to multiple authors eleven instabilities of the knee joint
and a conservative estimate lists thirty documented knee syndromes
that are treatable by chiropractic care. None of these are in the
Chapter 8, Case Histories: These case histories are informative and
certainly lead the reader to think of alternative causes as to the
patients dilemma and that the location of pain is not always the
site of the problem.
Appendix A and B: Appendix A is a cursory review of organic
problems and the knee. A number of the theories of the past are
reviewed as well as the author's own views on this subject.
Generally, this is an informative chapter with the only short coming
being in the omission of actual correlations between the segments
that supply the viscera and the reality of the same. The bright
side of this chapter is that the doctor or student is enlightened to
the fact that viscera can refer pain to sites distal or proximal
from there location.
Appendix B Palpation: This is quagmire of contradictions,
permutations, transmogrifications, and warrants. No further
Summary: The chapter by Dr. Rowe is the salvation of this text and
anyone purchasing it should consider the remainder with a jaundiced
Innes Rating: Chapters by Dr. Logan: 3
Chapter by Dr. Rowe: 9
Overall Rating: 4
Title: The Chiropractic Theories, Principles & Clinical
Applications, Third Edition
Category: Doctor and student education
Author: Robert A. Leach, AA, DC, FICC
Publication: Hard cover, 401 pages, $49.00
Publisher: William & Wilkins
Editor's Note: This is a reprint of the review published in the
11-4-94 issue of "DC." For ordering information, please see item
#T-156 on the Preferred Reading & Viewing List, or call
In this third edition, Dr. Leach continues to improve upon the
first two editions. If you have not been one of those fortunate
enough to have read either the previous editions, you have deprived
yourself long enough. Dr. Leach has summarized in this one book
what chiropractic truly is all about.
In his preface, Dr. Leach states, "This book is about a hope, a
fear, and a future." If the knowledge accumulated in this third
edition would be assimilated by the majority of our profession, it
would be a bright future indeed. This work takes chiropractic
theory out of the realm of dogma and brings it into the light of a
scientifically grounded health care profession. In reading the
various chapters, all extremely well-referenced, you begin to
appreciate how much work has already been completed to demonstrate
the efficacy of what chiropractors do for the benefit of patients.
The many theories are discussed with both pros and cons presented
without bias or emotional overlay.
The third edition has several new chapters which reflect the
changes in research terminology: Segmental Dysfunction Hypothesis;
Soft Outcome Measures of Dysfunction; Hard Outcome Measures of
Dysfunction; Facilitation Hypothesis and Developing Chiropractic
Scientist/Practitioners. The chapters on outcome measures, both
hard and soft, is very informative regarding procedures we use, or
should use, on a daily basis and their validity. Several of the
outcome questionnaires available are also discussed and referenced.
There is also good clinical correlation regarding the theories and the
type of clinical problems seen in a chiropractic office. Dr. Leach has
provided a number of algorithms for both evaluation and treatment. These
provide a ready visual reference for the practicing chiropractic to use
in the office.
This is a textbook that everyone interested in the advancement of
the chiropractic profession should read and reread. The material
Dr. Leach presents should be required reading in all of our
chiropractic colleges. As Dr. Leach notes in the book, this
shouldn't be viewed as an end but as a beginning. His work, it is
hoped, will inspire increased development of
"practitioner/scientists" in chiropractic. Without reservation, I
rate this book a 10.
Savoie Rating: 10
Editor's note: If you have authored, published, or produced a
chiropractically oriented book, audiotape, or video package which
is educational, nonpromotional, and written or produced in a
professional manner, and would like it reviewed in Dynamic
Chiropractic, please send two copies of the item to:
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