Title: Motion Palpation and Chiropractic Technic
Category: Doctor Education
Authors: R. C. Schafer, D.C., and L. Faye, D.C.
Publication: 418 pages - Hardcover
See pages xx, Parts #T100 for information on how to order
Motion palpation is a fundamental diagnostic tool for most
chiropractic doctors. This book is the bible of motion palpation
diagnostic procedure. Drs. Schafer and Faye did an outstanding job
presenting the summary of knowledge on this subject from the work
of Dr. Henri Gillet to Dr. Faye's own research. They present the
theories of fixation, joint dysfunction and disease, adjustive
thrusts, and treatment protocols.
This work is vitally important to every doctor. Those who
regularly use motion palpation will be amazed at how much they can
learn by reading the book by one of the masters. With this, you
can go to the source.
Dr. Richard Schafer has written extensively and was called upon to
assist Dr. Faye in the writing of this book. Dr. Schafer has an
outstanding style and organizational method to his writing. He
gets to the point. Dr. Faye pioneered motion palpation procedure
in the United States. I remember participating as a research
subject in one of Dr. Faye's studies while I was a student at LACC.
He has done his homework and knows his material.
This is an excellent book. In its 418 pages there are hundreds of
photos and detailed drawings showing you how to set up and perform
these adjustments. The chapters are well-organized and the index
is very helpful. Even the cover is a beautiful maroon, simulated
leather, with gold, embossed printing. This is a first-class book
in content and style.
There are some books that price is no object. This is one of
those books. Were it not for our licensing laws, one could almost
become a chiropractor just by studying this one book. The value
is pretty high and far outweighs the cost of the book.
Perhaps you are not yet sure whether I like this book, so I will say
here for the record: I like the book. I went through chiropractic
college learning motion palpation as the primary diagnostic
procedure. I sat in the audiovisual department for hours watching
Dr. Faye's videotapes. When I saw this had been put in textbook
form I was very pleased. After reading it, I must say it lived
up to every expectation.
Eggleston Rating: 10
Steven C. Eggleston, D.C.
Huntington Beach, California
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