AIDS and Metabolic Therapy
Category: Patient Care
Author: Anthony J. Cichoke, D.C.
80 pages -- spiral bound
There is no known cure for AIDS at this time, but Dr. Cichoke
proposes a treatment using metabolic therapy.
The first chapter gives an excellent history of AIDS, its origins,
how it affects the immune system, and current classifications of
its stages. The next two chapters explain the immune system in
greater detail, including anatomy and physiology, as well as a
discussion of how AIDS tests work. Finally, the author presents
his metabolic approach which includes detoxification of the body, a
dietary program, vitamin therapies and their effects, and the
benefits of herbs and enzymes.
As health care providers, all chiropractors should know as much
about diseases as possible. AIDS is no exception. There will be
patients who are tired and feeling run down (symptoms of a possible
systemic infection) that will seek chiropractic care. Failure of
the doctor to recognize the early stages of any disease does the
patient a disservice. This book is valuable in outlining the
current body of knowledge about AIDS.
Dr. Cichoke has published over 100 articles and papers in
scientific and lay journals. He is on the postgraduate faculty of
a number of chiropractic colleges, a diplomate of the American
Chiropractic Board of Nutrition, and is in several editions of
Who's Who. He was a chiropractic team physician at Portland State
University for many years.
This brief book is quite well written. It is heavily referenced
and has appendices that discuss alternative therapies, AIDS
information and services phone numbers, and over 50 listings for
suggested reading. The book itself walks the reader through a
discussion of AIDS that is both interesting and informative. The
value to the practicing chiropractor is high compared to the book's
Whether you plan to use his treatment protocols or have no
intention of getting involved in treatment of AIDS, the information
presented about the currently known facts is worth the price.
When this book was first sent to me for review, I must admit the
title made me wonder what business chiropractors have treating
AIDS. After all, aren't there experts who have access to research
and resources that are better qualified than the family
chiropractor at managing this fatal condition? Despite this bias,
I found the book for the most part quite rational and it seemed to
make more sense the more I read. Certain parts of the book are
controversial, to say the least, and it did not compel me to seek
AIDS patients to treat. In fact, I do have protocols in my office
which govern my acceptance or denial of an AIDS patient. I do not
accept in my practice a patient with diagnosed AIDS unless I can
procure a written referral from the treating MD, accompanied by a
written statement in the patient's handwriting acknowledging
treatment only for their pain and discomfort. This protocol
applies to other fatal diseases as well.
I believe we as chiropractors can provide pain relief for terminal
patients, but I want to be an acknowledged part of that patient's
health care team. I want the other doctors to know I am treating
the patient and why. There have been malpractice cases filed by
children of the deceased claiming that the chiropractor promised to
cure their mother's cancer or other terminal disease. If everyone
involved understands the goals of therapy, and there is a written
patient agreement of the nature of that care, it limits our
liability in these important issues.
On a Scale from 1 to 10
Eggleston Rating: 6
Steven Eggleston, D.C.
Huntington Beach, California

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