Handbook of Clinical Chiropractic
Category: Patient Care
Author: Lawrence H. Wyatt, D.C.
Soft cover, pocket width, 232 pages.
See pages xx, Part #T-144 for information on how to order
Record keeping, hospital protocols, orthopedic, neurologic,
laboratory, radiology tests, differential diagnosis, and patient
management protocols are some of the subjects covered in this
reference book. It is the kind of book you will likely consult
when you need some new ideas regarding a problematic condition of a
patient. For example, Chapter 14, "Spine Pain," outlines dozens of
causes of spine pain and groups them according to arthritides,
chiropractic problems, developmental, infectious, metabolic,
trauma, and tumors. There is a brief paragraph on each condition
with common signs and what the doctor should look for.
A quick look in this book may lead the doctor to perform tests and
rule out (or in) possible causes. There is no need to get out the
Merck Manual with this book around. It is concise, thorough, and
easy to use. The ease of use makes it valuable because it will be
used, not sit on the shelf.
For the chiropractic student, the handbook is an excellent
reference when learning the myriad of tests, easily understand what
they are, how to perform them and why, and what the results mean.
Those taking a board exam will have in their hands the best study
outline I have ever seen.
I knew Dr. Wyatt as a radiology resident at Los Angeles College of
chiropractic. I was so impressed with his knowledge that I would
stand around the radiology laboratory just listening to him while
he talked to others. His new book, Handbook of Clinical
Chiropractic is evidence of his knowledge and desire to help
others. We can be proud that this book was written by a
chiropractic doctor. Dr. Wyatt has done all of us a great service.
There will be those in our profession who will be appalled that a
chiropractic doctor writes a book that includes "medical" things.
Those doctors need to wake up and realize this is the 20th century.
There will be more chiropractors in the coming decade who will be
practicing in hospitals. For those who choose to use their license
that way, more power to them. I thank Dr. Wyatt for writing a book
that will pave the way for our entrance into hospitals and earn
respect from our professional colleagues.
Handbook of Clinical Chiropractic will obviously become a textbook
at our major colleges. I recommend it to the practicing doctor
also because of its concise approach, its explanations of
interprofessional relationships, and because it outlines the
standard of excellence for our profession. Thank you, Dr. Wyatt.
Your work is truly appreciated.
Eggleston Rating: 8
"The New Psychology for Developing a Winning Team"
Category: Staff Training
Author: Maggie La Ragy
Six cassette tapes -- running time: four hours
Staff training is vital to every chiropractic office. The CA must
be proficient at patient scheduling, controlling the appointment
book, answering the phones, and must have a positive attitude
toward patients.
Every doctor knows the critical importance of a dedicated and
well-trained staff.
The author of these tapes, Maggie La Ragy, has been a chiropractic
assistant, consultant, and speaker.
While the quality of the recordings is excellent, the content and
the presentation are not up to that same level. The tapes sound as
if they're being read from a script with no inflection or emotion.
The presentation was not engaging, and although there was some
material I considered worthwhile, it was not presented in a manner
conducive to attentive listening.
Eggleston Rating: 2
Steven C. Eggleston, D.C.
Huntington Beach, California
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