"The Kellogg Report"
By -- Joseph D. Beasley, M.D., and Jerry Swift, M.A.
Softcover -- 735 pages
Please see pages xx, Parts #T-138 for information on how to order
This is a volume that I received some time ago. For too long I avoided
even a casual perusal of the text. Maybe it was because of the weight
of it or because I thought it might be of little interest. How, I wondered,
could such a book have much relevance to the chiropractic profession?
After resigning myself to the task at hand, I did what I so often
do with a text that's not written by a DC or about the profession.
The first order of review was to look in the index to see if I
could find any reference to chiropractic. Quickly turning to the
indicated page, what I found was a short reference to chiropractic
and that it could be a valid form of treatment in many orthopedic
conditions. Good. It continued, "It is silly to claim, as some
chiropractic schools do, that all diseases are based on
dislocations of the frame or abnormal functioning of the nervous
system. Neither a kidney infection, liver disease, pleurisy,
nor most other illnesses, can be cured by spinal manipulation."
The preceding sounded like some kind of archaic medical record.
While it's safe to assume that all diseases are not caused by
somatic dysfunction, what proof do the authors have that such
dysfunction might not be a predisposing or contributing factor in a
pathological process to any tissue served by nerves? It's wrong
for chiropractors to make sweeping, unsubstantiated claims, but
just as wrong for others, with no clinical experience in our
discipline, to make unsubstantiated denials as to the efficiency
of those claims. But that's medicine.
The book also claims that chiropractors, "with few exceptions,"
lack the qualifications to advise patients on nutrition. As if
medicine does? In fact, we are probably the best nutritionally
informed of the major healing arts, which is still not enough and
probably never will be.
All right, we can't let a brief reference color the acceptance of
everything else in the text. Fortunately, I didn't and found an
intensely interesting book before me.
Like Gaul, the volume is divided into four parts: Five Great
Systems of Health, How Healthy Are We? Promoting Health/Healing
Illness, and Implications.
This is not a novel, however, and you shouldn't be bored by the
statistics of the text. While at first disenchanted with the
chiropractic references, I found the book to be a free swinging and
rather objective study of nutritional and environmental aberrations
of American society. There were no "sacred cows."
On medical education, it condemns the dehumanizing structure of a
curricula that terrorizes its students into memorizing copious,
useless facts instead of teaching a more humanistic approach to
health, and applauds the elimination of the MEAT as a requirement
for medical school acceptance.
This intriguing report also startled me by supporting research into
an assumed value of nutrition in the fight against cancer and even
did an excellent profile on Max Gerson, the often vilified medical
nutritionist and cancer researcher.
In another part the authors went into some detail to explore the
weaknesses of medicine. "The epidemic of chronic illness in the
U.S., particularly arterial disease and cancer, is the stellar
embarrassment of medicine and its high-technology weapons." They
go on to state that "Many interventions, from prescription drugs to
expensive surgery do more harm than good as they are overused or
abused by doctors and patients." "Medicine becomes a series of
'quick fixes' following the latest technology available."
The point is that "The Kellogg Report" is a verbal roller coaster
of ideas. On one page you might agree with the assumptions
espoused and the very next engage in a philosophical struggle of
great proportions.
This is a fascinating book. It informs and challenges the reader
all at once. Part of a multimillion dollar study, it is more than
worth the price for the information received. You won't be able
to put it down. And to think I waited as long as I did to read
it. Don't you make the same mistake.
