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Dynamic Chiropractic
September 1, 1991, Volume 09, Issue 18

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"The Chiropractor's Guide to Marketing and Advertising"

Presented by -- Peter Johnson

Six audio cassettes

See pages XX, part# A-617 for ordering information

For several years I've practiced in rather remote areas. Once in a log cabin in the woods of Vermont and most recently in a 180-year-old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, also in Vermont. It often seemed that I saw more cows than people. Don't get me wrong -- I loved the country life and will always have wonderful memories of the countryside and the people it cradled in the wrinkles of its landscape.

One thing, however, was always missing -- accessible professional stimulation. Sure -- there were meetings of the state association and once a year a speaker of some renown would lecture at the state convention, but these were usually annual events and I wanted more than that.

Unlike some of the more populous states, educational seminars of any consequence were rare occurrences. This was hard on me, for I thrive on the stimulus provided by these professional contacts. Fortunately, the wonders of the modern age can bring some of the most important speakers into your home. No longer is it necessary for chiropractors to feel professionally isolated by the remote location of their practice. Now -- with the pressure of but one finger upon the right button, some of the finest and most important speakers can speak directly to you via audio tape or be seen on your television set. And -- they can be heard and seen over and over until all the information given is well and completely received.

If there's one great lack within chiropractic, it's our apparent lack of business savvy. This fact is forcefully demonstrated by the plethora of practice management companies that seem almost indigenous to the profession. For some reason, we go through all these years of schooling only to graduate as chiropractic physicians prepared to serve only the patient and not the security of ourselves and our families. The result has been the outgrowth of all manner of companies trying to fulfill the perceived need to develop business and merchandising skills.

Unfortunately, the need has been too frequently abused by some greedy entrepreneurs interested only in instilling their gimmick-laden concepts upon those who thirst for financial success.

This situation shouldn't -- and doesn't -- have to be tolerated. There are increasing numbers of individuals and companies who are finding it possible and preferable to ethically legitimize our efforts at obtaining professional financial stability.

One of these efforts is packaged in six audiotapes presented by the marketing consultant, Peter Johnson.

The tapes aren't "slick" -- and this is one of the many positive aspects of this presentation. By slick I mean that they lack the so-called polish of a carefully orchestrated pitch. It's all quite conversational -- as if he were talking directly to you. He'll stutter, correct himself and seemingly construct and reconstruct concepts right before your ears. It's refreshing and informative.

Apparently the program was taped at a recent seminar so that the material is up-to-date, concise, and meant for both cogitation and note-taking. Again -- this is what make tapes so useful. The speaker is at the command of your finger on the replay button so that the listener or viewer may review important material until satisfied that it will be understood and remembered.

Johnson's presentation is divided into six general areas:

  1. Introduction to Marketing and Advertising
  2. Designing Your Marketing Plan 3. Public Relations -- What Is It and How to Use It 4. How to Use Advertising -- Yellow Pages 5. Advertising -- Print, Radio, T.V., Mailings 6. Internal Marketing -- the Gold Mine for Patients.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I've just changed a bit over the years. Or maybe it's the entrepreneurs who've altered their approach. Whatever the reason -- I'm listening and learning more. This doesn't mean that I subscribe to every syllable of every speaker, but people like Johnson have a great deal of important information to impart to the profession and we should listen, learn and use those parts we feel have propriety and are germane to our specific needs.

"The Chiropractor's Guide to Marketing and Advertising" of Peter Johnson delivers what its title specifies. Nothing more, but certainly nothing less, and for this reason alone should be purchased. There are a lot of excellent presentations on marketing and advertising being produced lately and this is one of the best.


Dynamic Chiropractic
September 1, 1991, Volume 09, Issue 18

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